Postgres Ibiza 2024: Selected Talks. First Sponsor Batch

Thursday, Aug 8, 2024| by Álvaro Hernández | Tags:, postgresql, PGIBZ

Postgres Ibiza 2024: Selected Talks

We’re pleased to announce the final talks selection for Postgres Ibiza 2024! We are extremely grateful for all the talk submissions received (40% more than last year!) and the great job that the Talk Selection Committee has done to select the final 18 really outstanding talks.

What makes these talks outstanding is that submissions went a step further and proposed topics that go beyong the “usual Postgres topics”, and explore areas like pushing extension’s boundaries with extensions, building a 63-node Raspberry Pi 3B+ cluster running Postgres on Kubernetes (!!!), discussions on the sunset of Greenplum open source or a larger than average number of topics around containerized Postgres –including obviously Kubernetes, and an API-first new Postgres (containerized) distribution. We encourage you to review the talk details by yourself.

What’s even more outstanding is that the small, Mediterranean island of Ibiza will bring selected speakers from places as far as Jakarta, Singapore or Australia (!!). Huge gratitude to the speakers willing to jump around the world to contribute to PGIBZ.

Here’s the list of the talks upcoming for Postgres Ibiza:

  • Pushing boundaries for extensions, with extensions, Yurii Rashkovskii (Vancouver).
  • PGA - An Easy to Use, Secure and API-first Postgres Distribution, Alvaro Hernandez (Madrid).
  • Greenplum is no longer OSS: Change of Operations in Mid-flight, Pilar de Teodoro (Spain).
  • Isolation Levels and MVCC in SQL Databases: A Technical Comparative Study, Franck Pachot (Switzerland).
  • Scaling the Summit: Mastering Complex Migrations in the Enterprise, Tania Ash (United Kingdom).
  • Exploring Linux memory usage and IO performance with PostgreSQL, Frits Hoogland (Amsterdam).
  • Building Petabyte-Scale Systems on PostgreSQL, Chris Travers (Jakarta).
  • Oracle to Postgres: Happily Ever After Edition, Mayuresh Suresh Bagayatkar (Prague).
  • Modeling Data Fast, Slow and Back-In-Time: Change-Aware Dimensional Data Modeling in the Modern Data Stack, Chin Hwee Ong (Singapore).
  • Large Object Usage in Production - Patterns, Pitfalls and Recommendations, Robins Tharakan (Australia).
  • PostgreSQL on Kubernetes: Dos and Don’ts, Chris Engelbert (Germany).
  • What are containers?, Dave Hughes (United Kingdom).
  • Deep Dive in a SQL Query, Jesús Espino (Spain).
  • Pattern-matching in LISTEN/NOTIFY, Emanuel Calvo (Spain).
  • Improve query plans by “constifying” expressions, Fabrízio de Royes Mello (Brazil), Sven Klemm (Germany).
  • 63 RPis super cluster running StackGres, Jorge Solórzano (Spain), Guillermo Ruiz Esteban (Spain).
  • Fun with SQL: Migrate from MSSQL to PostgreSQL using SQL, Anthony Rafael Sotolongo León (Chile).
  • Scalable PostgreSQL deployment using Containerization: A Technical Exploration, Premnath J (India).

If you haven’t done so, you can still buy your ticket to enjoy these talks on September 9th and 10th, and participate in the Unconference on September 11th. All with the best Mediterranean lunch provided on an ideal setting for the best hallway track.

First Sponsors Batch

Postgres Ibiza is proud to announce the first conference sponsors. We really appreciate the trust and financial help provided by these sponsors, which are key to the celebration of this Community, non-profit conference:

  • Omnigres. Cluster Level (Gold) Sponsor.
  • OnGres. Cluster Level (Gold) Sponsor.
  • YugabyteDB. Table Level (Bronze) Sponsor.

Sponsorship opportunities are still open. Please see the prospectus and/or contact us for more information.
