
Postgres Ibiza 2024: Call for Papers and Sponsors

Friday, Jun 14, 2024 by Álvaro Hernández, postgresql

Postgres Ibiza 2024: September 9th-11th Postgres Ibiza 2024 will be back in September. A three-day event split into: Conference: 2 days, September 9th and 10th. Unconference: 1 day, September 11th, following the spirit of the best open spaces. The event will be held in the same conference venue as the last editions, the spectacular Palacio de Congresos de Ibiza which happens to be a few steps away from many hotels… and the beach!

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The Postgres Core Team tries to Shut Down a Postgres Community Conference

Monday, Jul 24, 2023 by Álvaro Hernández, postgresql

The Postgres Core Team tries to Shut Down a Postgres Community Conference In 2019, Fundación PostgreSQL organized the first edition of Postgres Ibiza, an event that was recognized as a Postgres Community Event. It was also announced in the events section of the official PostgreSQL website and it had among its attendees one member from the Core Team. In 2023, after the pandemic, Fundación PostgreSQL is organizing the second edition of Postgres Ibiza with the same core tenets, website and goals.

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PGIbiza 2023: Postgres and Ecosystem

Monday, Apr 17, 2023 by Álvaro Hernández, postgresql

Announcing Postgres Ibiza 2023: August 29-31 Today we are pleased to announce that Postgres Ibiza is returning in 2023! Mark the dates: August 29th, 30th and 31st, 2023. After a four year hiatus due to Covid and travel restrictions, PGIbiza is back. What you will find, at a glance: Two days of conference talks. One day unconference. Hallway track may happen on the beach or beach-side restaurant/bars. Family-friendly conference: BYOF (Bring Your Own Family), stay for some days of vacations.

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PostgreSQL Trademarks Disagreement: Proposing a Solution

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2022 by Álvaro Hernández postgresql

We, at Fundación, believe that the current Postgres trademarks disagreement should not require a years-long litigation process. Instead, we publicly propose here a solution. Watch below our President’s message, in a short video (4:44) addressed to the whole Postgres Community.  Transcript Hi Postgres Community. I’m Álvaro Hernández, President of Fundación PostgreSQL –or “Fundacion” in short. I’m here today to bring you an update on the Postgres trademarks disagreement.

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Re: Update on the Trademark Actions

Friday, Jun 10, 2022 by Álvaro Hernández postgresql

Re: Update on the Trademark Actions This blog post is a reply to this statement, as published by the PostgreSQL Association of Canada (PGAC). No actions against the Community: actions FOR the Community PGAC mentions in its public statement that “Fundación PostgreSQL” has taken actions against the PostgreSQL Community. This is an unsubstantiated claim, no actions have been taken against the Community. As a leading open-source Community, there should be drastic transparency in communications and Core should document publicly the damage they claim has been done and all hostile actions that Fundacion has been accused of.

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Respecting the majority, questioning the status quo as a minority

Tuesday, Sep 14, 2021 by Álvaro Hernández postgresql

Respecting the majority, questioning the status quo as a minority Yesterday, the PostgreSQL Core Team launched an unprecedented attack on Fundación PostgreSQL as a whole and individually against Alvaro Hernandez. Fundación PostgreSQL responded promptly. This was an attack against a Postgres Community Non-Profit and a Community member at the individual level. It was unprecedented, as no similar attack has happened in the past. But more concerning, it was unnecessary and disproportionate:

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Postgres Core Team launches unprecedented attack against the Postgres Community

Monday, Sep 13, 2021 by Álvaro Hernández postgresql

Postgres Core Team launches unprecedented attack against the Postgres Community Being distributed is the key to the project’s resilience One of the often cited advantages of the PostgreSQL project is its resiliency. Especially in the presence of rogue actors: being a distributed Community, it is hard to target any individual, group or entity and affect/disrupt the whole Community. Similarly, it is not possible to “buy PostgreSQL”, irrespective of how much money you have, since there’s no single entity, group or company that constitutes the whole project and thus could be acquired.

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Babelfish: the Elephant in the Room?

Thursday, Feb 11, 2021 by Álvaro Hernández postgresql

On December 1st, 2020, Amazon AWS announced Babelfish. Babelfish “adds an endpoint to PostgreSQL that understands the SQL Server wire protocol Tabular Data Stream (TDS), as well as commonly used T-SQL commands used by SQL Server. Support for T-SQL includes elements such as the SQL dialect, cursors, catalog views, data types, triggers, stored procedures, and functions”. Wow. SQL Server wire and application compatibility for PostgreSQL! What this means is that Babelfish will be able to “impersonate” a SQL Server database.

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Is it time to modernize the processes, structure and governance of the PostgreSQL Core Team?

Tuesday, Nov 10, 2020 by Álvaro Hernández postgresql

Is it time to modernize the processes, structure and governance of the PostgreSQL Core Team? The PostgreSQL Community is large, diverse and global. There are users, enthusiasts, developers, contributors, advocates and commercial entities from around the world. All of them working in a loosely collaborative fashion to grow and make PostgreSQL succeed. The Postgres Core Team is considered to be the steering committee for the Community. The definition of the group responsibilities can be found here.

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Postgres Ibiza 2020: cancelled. Mark 2021 in your calendars!

Tuesday, Mar 31, 2020 by Álvaro Hernández, postgresql

Postgres Ibiza 2020: cancelled. Mark 2021 in your calendars! The World has been taken by storm by the COVID-19. Our thoughts are with the people who, for any reason, are suffering from this. We are with you. At Fundación PostgreSQL we have been watching carefully the events, and trying to keep Postgres Ibiza happening, as long as we could ensure a perfectly safe and healthy condition for organizing it. Even though there is a ray of light and we think a period like September may be safe to organize it, unfortunately, organizing a conference requires quality time.

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PostgreSQL Ibiza: 2 weeks to go

Thursday, Jun 6, 2019 by Álvaro Hernández, postgresql

Five-day PostgreSQL networking experience, embedding a 2-day conference Just 2 weeks to go for PostgreSQL Ibiza. The new, innovative PostgreSQL Conferences that happens 50m away from a beach. The conference for thinkers, for networking, for partnering. The conference to be at. But a conference is nothing without great content. And after receiving more than 71 talk submissions, and the hard work that the Committee has done to select the talks, PostgreSQL Ibiza will have top-notch talks from top-notch international speakers.

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What it is PostgreSQL Ibiza and why you should attend

Friday, May 31, 2019 by Álvaro Hernández, postgresql

PostgreSQL for Thinkers Please check PostgreSQL Ibiza’s conference website. If you haven’t done so, please also take two minutes to watch our conference video. Now if you think that PostgreSQL Ibiza is another PostgreSQL Conference, just on the beach (which is not that bad anyway!), then keep reading. Because it is much more than that. PostgreSQL Ibiza is a new, disruptive PostgreSQL conference. We are all in a rush. I have been to many dozens of PostgreSQL conferences in the last decade.

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